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Pupils Survey - School Lunches

We are always striving to maintain quality and make improvements in all aspects of school life. Last year we  reviewed and improved the school menus. It is now time to review how well everything is going and to understand what we could do to further improve.


94 pupils were asked to complete a short survey and the results are as follows

Question Yes No
Do you enjoy having school lunch? 99% 1%
Is there always something you can pick from the menu? 84% 16%
Do you get enough food to fill you up? 70% 30%
Do you always get what you picked? 93% 7%
Is your food hot when you get it? 84% 16%


I would like to thank all the children who completed the survey.



  1. That the portion size of meals needs to be improved.
  2. We need to further improve ways in which we can ensure the food remains hot. 
  3.  We need to continue to allow pupils to choose freely between packed lunch and school lunch. This ensures children don't have to have a school lunch if there is nothing that day that they really enjoy. 


Mrs Lemin will take a lead role in ensuring improvements are made. She will liaise with the Catering company and evaluate the improvements with the children and senior lunchtime staff.

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