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Pupils Voice - Maths

In order to continue to improve our maths curriculum, our maths leaders recently asked pupils from each year group within school to complete a short questionnare. The results will be used to continue to fine tune the teaching of maths from Nursery to Year 6.

Results from reception pupils to follow.


Year Group



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

What do you like about maths?

Learning numbers.


We learnt the number 2 and next we will learn 3.


We have been doing patterns – orange and blue, orange and blue.


Doing number sentences.

Using cubes.

Doing maths on my whiteboard.

Learning lots of new things.


Doing the adding and taking away methods.

Testing my brain.

Using cubes.

Doing the challenging questions.

Figuring out answers.

Times tables and addition and subtraction.

Challenges and problem solving.

Learning things in small steps

Lots of discussion

Solving problems

Learning new things

Maths is fun. I especially like numbers and division

What do you not like about maths?



Sitting on the carpet too long.

When there are too many numbers.

When you get things wrong.

When it’s hard but maths isn’t too hard it’s just right.

Doing division with high numbers because it’s hard.

When I get things wrong.

I like everything about maths. It can be hard but in a good way.

Too many questions to answer in our workbook

When I don’t finish all of the questions.

Too many of the same type of question sometimes.

When it’s hard

Multi-step problems because I lose track.

When do you learn best in maths?



When we do it together.

When I write it on my whiteboard.

Using base 10, number lines or a method.

When I can talk with my partner about it.

When we work quietly.

When it’s quiet and I can work on my own.

When we can share maths skills with our partner and talk about it.

When I take notes on the carpet to help me.

Talking with a partner or my table

Using my whiteboard

Working quietly but being able to share ideas with my partner

When I listen

Having a whiteboard

When it’s quiet and I can get on independently

Do you do maths every day?



Yes – except when we do Outdoor Learning

We sometimes do maths in the afternoon too.



Yes – we do double maths one day because we have music.



What do you do if you get stuck in maths?



Put my hand up.

Wait until my teacher comes to my table.

Ask my teacher.

Use my fingers.

Look at the base 10 on the wall.

Keep trying.

Use a number line.

Use the times tables around the classroom.

Ask my teacher.

Use a hundred square.

Try again.

Ask my teacher.

Use a times table turner.

Use our maths wall.

Partition the numbers.

Use the examples on the maths board. “I sometimes get the numerator and denominator mixed up so its helpful having it on the board.”

Put your hand up and ask

Use my whiteboard

Use the words on the maths wall

Ask someone on my table

Why do you think maths is important?



When we have a job or go to high school.

So we can learn new things.

For when we do projects at home.

When you want to buy things.

So you can sort out your bills when you’re older.

Sorting out things when you’re a manager in a job.

Paying for things at the shop.

We need it for everyday life

When we’re buying things and have a job

How do you know when you’re doing well in maths?



When the teacher says the answer and we’ve got it right.

When I’ve put my numbers the right way using the number line on my table.

Ticks in my book.


I’ve got the correct answer and put a tick.

Ticks in my book.

When you can see what you’ve got right.

We understand it.

You can explain it to your friend.

Stars in our book or a comment.

We can see when we mark our own work.

Stars in our books or good comments.

When we have no corrections to do

How do you know what to improve in maths?



When you get an answer wrong you can cross it out and have another try.

We have another go at the question.

I can see which ones I’ve got wrong and what mistake I’ve made when I tick and cross it.

The teacher talks us through it.

When we mark our work we can see what mistakes we have made and can try and correct them.

We can see the mistakes we have made when we mark our own work.

When we read back through and repeat a question to correct it

When we self-mark and see our mistakes

How could we make maths better at Burnside?



More challenges,

More number sentences.

Doing more maths.

Have more resources.

More challenges.

More challenges.

Do some of the questions together first.

People to come in to see what maths is like out of school.

Having maths ambassadors


Having a maths club to help us with SATs

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