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Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

As you may be aware, an extra bank holiday has been announced for 3 June 2022 for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.


As on previous similar occasions (eg the 2012 Diamond Jubilee or 2011 Royal Wedding), the DfE has therefore amended the Education (School Day and School Year) (England) Regulations to reduce the school year 2021/22 for maintained schools to a minimum of 189 days, in order to allow schools to close that day or on another day.


Schools not already on half term break on the day of the bank holiday will be able to close that day. Most schools will, however, be on half term at the time of the bank holiday. This change to the Regulations will allow maintained schools to be able to close at another time to give staff and students an extra day off.


The Cramlington Partnership of schools have put forward the 27th June 2022 to be taken as the extra day off. I have updated the calendar on the school website to reflect this. 

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