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Reading volunteers wanted

Are you interested in becoming a parent/ grandparent reading volunteer? It is a wonderful opportunity to feel more involved with the life of our school. We are looking for adults who are committed to hearing readers for a minimum of one hour a week.


All volunteers are required to have a DBS Check which is arranged and paid for by the school, and is transferrable to other volunteer roles.


Volunteers will also need to complete online Safeguarding Training in advance, which takes approximately 3-4 hours.

After this, volunteers are invited in to school to meet with Miss Turnbull, our English Lead, to go through our approach to reading and find out which year group you will be asked to support. Volunteers do not read in the year group that their child/ grandchild is in.


If you are interested, please contact the school office. 


Thank you very much in advance for your support.

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