Contact Details
Burnside Primary School and Nursery
- 01670736052
Burnside Primary School and Nursery, Northumbrian Road, Cramlington, NE23 1XZ
If your child is absent from school please inform the office before 9am on the day of absence. You can do this in one of the following ways;
1) Leave a voicemail message on the absence line 01670 736 052 Option Number 1 (available 24hrs)
2) Visit the school office in person to let someone know
3) Email the school office
State your child’s full name, their class and the reason for their absence, E.g. Chicken Pox.
Please do not give messages to the class teacher or other parents to pass on.
Children should only be kept away from school for significant illness.
If they have vomited or had diarrhoea, they should remain at home for 48 hours after the last episode.
Further guidance from Public Health England on when to keep your child at home can be found below.
Public Health - Infection Control in schools
Medical appointments
Every effort should be made to schedule routine medical appointments outside school hours or during school holidays. Where this is not possible and children are absent for all or part of the school day, you must show the office confirmation. This can be an email, letter or text message showing the date and time of the appointment
Burnside Primary School and Nursery
Burnside Primary School and Nursery, Northumbrian Road, Cramlington, NE23 1XZ