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Risk of closure: industrial action

Yesterday, the NEU (National Education Union)  announced that its ballot of teacher members in England has met the thresholds required to start industrial action:


The NEU is the UK's largest education union, and says the strike will affect 23,400 schools in England and Wales.

Our staff are members of a variety of different unions including the NEU. However, our staff are also members of  NAHT ( National Association of Headteachers)  and  NASUWT (National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers ). These unions will not strike  because ballots staff did not reach the % turnout required by law for industrial action. 


The NEU has announced national and regional action in England. There is a risk that school (or parts of the school) will close to pupils (or some pupils). Please note: Head teachers are expected to take "all reasonable steps" to keep schools open for as many pupils as possible during a strike, according to Department of Education guidance. I  will be consulting with both the union and the local authority over the coming days.


We will publish more information if the NEU decides to proceed with industrial action. We will be given at least 2 weeks' notice. 


Teacher strikes will happen both nationally and regionally, in schools as well as sixth-form colleges.

Action will take place on the following days:

  • 1 February: All schools in England and Wales
  • 14 February: All schools in Wales
  • 28 February: North and north-west England, Yorkshire and Humber
  • 15 and 16 March: Two-day strike of all schools in England and Wales


I will write to you again if and/or when any industrial action is formally confirmed.

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