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School Uniform

Pride in our school

At Burnside Primary School our children are proud to be members of our school and wear our uniform.  The uniform has been designed to be practical for a primary school while reflecting the high standards expected at school – it is to be worn with pride at all times. 


We feel that it is important that children learn to dress smartly and appropriately.  They grow up at Burnside understanding that most secondary schools and later in life, businesses, require smart, professional dress.


We look to parents to work with the school to ensure that children come to school always maintaining a high standard of dress and with at least a minimum of the correct colours in their clothing.


We value learning so highly that we do not send children home to change.  However, we hope that we do not have to deal with uniform transgressions.

Judgements about acceptability of uniform and appearance can only be made by school staff and ultimately the Head Teacher.


School uniform

All children are expected to wear uniform:

  • the Burnside sweatshirt or cardigan;
  • a Burnside white Polo shirt; or plain white Polo shirt;
  • plain grey or black school style trousers, skirt or pinafore;
  • black or white socks / tights;
  • plain black shoes. For safety,  No open-toe, high-heels, platforms or roller shoes.


Optional items:

  • Burnside fleece/coat;
  • grey/black school style shorts may be worn all year round;

in summer, from the start of the Summer term until Autumn half-term, red & white gingham style summer dresses may also be worn;

  • additional under-layers are encouraged for colder days. 
  • a hijab, in white, grey or red colour, may be worn.

To allow outdoor play to take place in wet weather, pupils are expected to have suitable warm and waterproof clothing :

  • Waterproofs – This may be a jacket, coat or suit
  • A warm fleece, jumper or cardigan
  • Winter hat and sun hat (optional)
  • Scarves and gloves (optional)
  • Wellie boots (optional)


Branded and/or designer items of clothing are not to be worn.

NO earrings allowed.

No elaborate hair style

Sensible school shoes


PE uniform

PE kit / 'uniform' is worn for the whole day on a child's allocated PE day. These arrangements minimise lost property and maximise time taking part in sport and exercise rather than changing kit.  PE uniform to be worn to school: (NO football kits)

  • Burnside Black T-shirt  or plain white T-Shirt
  • black  jogging bottoms
  • black  PE shorts
  • plain trainers



Our official uniform Supplier is Cloud 9 Leisure,  Unit 59F South Nelson Industrial Estate, Cramlington NE23 1WF telephone 01670 739370




  • Burnside book bag
  • name labelled water bottle

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