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Senior Mental Health Lead At Burnside

COVID has been a very challenging time for us all. There has been a significant rise in the number of parents approaching us to discuss mental health concerns they have about their children. In response to this and to enable us to provide support, Mrs Akram is embarking on a training programme with the safeguarding alliance to develop her skills further and become our Senior Mental Health Lead in school. 


Her role will be to further develop the well-being practices already in place, to support and provide training for her colleagues and work closely with our experienced SENDCO, Miss Lloyd.


She will further develop her knowledge of the range of agencies parents/carers may turn to for help and support. Whenever possible she will also be there to simply be a listening ear, which in itself can be extremely useful.


For those of you that don't know Mrs Akram, she teaches in Year 2 and has worked at Burnside for over 20 years.

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