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Share your views with us

During the year we ask your opinion on a variety of subjects and issues and invite you in to meet with staff on the 1st Monday of every month to enable us to address concerns quickly. This allows us to know the thought and views of parents. 


We take on board comments, an example of this is the changes we made to the nativity plays at Christmas. A parent emailed us to point out they had missed the opportunity to see their child dress up in a Christmas Play due to COVID. In response we asked the Year 2 pupils to join the Reception and Year 1 pupils in the nativity play this year.


Another wonderful suggestion which was made by a parent was the "Book Swap" last term which was a great success. 


We would like to find out a little more information from you  and have put together a short survey in the hopes that you will complete it. 


The Senior Leaders and I will add your views to our own evaluation enabling us to identify our strengths and areas for improvement.  


The survey should take around 5 minutes to complete, please complete one per child. Click on the link below to get started:


Survey 2023


The survey will close at the end of the week

(12 noon Friday).

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