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Show Racism The Red Card Workshops

Today we were very fortunate to have Show Racism the Red Card work with our upper key stage 2 children. Show racism the red card is an anti-racism educational charity. They work in schools throughout England, Scotland and Wales delivering anti-racism workshops to more than 50,000 young people every year. 


Today our pupils learned about the causes and consequences of racism and explored the various forms racism can take.


Our children have been empowered to challenge racism in the communities in which they live and now have the relevant knowledge and information to enable them to do this.


They have been supported to play an active role as citizens in an increasingly multi-cultural society.


And finally they have been supported in developing good relationships and respect the differences between people, regardless of their ethnicity, faith, culture or nationality.


The workshop leaders said this about our children 

“The children were very receptive and showed empathy when given various scenarios. All children were self reflective, captivated by the terminology that was used and worked very well. We would love to come back to Burnside because both classes were really amazing! “


Please speak to your children at home to find out what they have learned. 


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