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Show Racism the Red Card

This week our Year 5 and 6 pupils welcomed visitors from the Show Racism the Red Card Campaign. Mrs. Akram organised this event and we are very grateful to her.


Did you know Show Racism the Red Card originated in the North East of England and Newcastle United FC were the first club to support their work?


The staff from the project were so impressed with the attitude of our children to the messages that they were sharing that they rang school after the visit to inform us that they would like to donate tickets to the Newcastle Football match on the 19th October to a lucky winner from each year group they had visited!! As you can imagine there was great excitement in school.


Teachers placed all of the Year 5 and 6  children's names into a hat and a prize draw followed. The tension was high. The drum roll was loud.


The luckily winners were Billy and Ruby. They now have tickets to the Newcastle v Everton match.


We hope they have an amazing time and we wish Newcastle United the best of luck. "Howay the lads!!!"

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