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Smart Uniform

Smart School Uniform

The vast majority of children come to school in the correct school uniform, thank you for your support with this.  Here are some reminders for clarification.

School Uniform
All children are expected to wear uniform. Items should be labelled with your child’s name to minimise lost property.

  • a red sweatshirt or cardigan;
  • a  white Polo shirt
  • plain grey or black school style trousers, skirt or shorts
  • black or white or red socks / tights;
  • plain black shoes. For safety, no open-toed shoes, high-heels, platforms or roller shoes. Trainers should only be worn on PE or outdoor learning days.
  • additional under-layers are encouraged for colder days. 
  • In warmer months summer red and white checked dresses may be worn.


PE uniform

PE kit / 'uniform' is worn for the whole day on a child's allocated PE day.

  • Black, red or white T-shirt 
  • Black jogging bottoms
  • Black  PE shorts
  • Trainers


No make up, extreme hair styles, nail vanish, earrings or jewelry.


Please note that it is NOT a requirement to wear branded/logo clothing. We also advise that children do not come to school in expensive coats or trainers on PE days. We prefer joggers to be plain rather than expensive sports brands.

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