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Specialist Clubs

As we gradually step down from Covid Amber Measures at Burnside I am excited to be working with both our staff and external providers to put in place a schedule of specialist clubs.


The specialist club schedule for will be published each half term to help parents plan their child's activities.


Some of our clubs will run all year round on the same day and time. Other clubs will run for one term only, this allows us to provide as many varied opportunities as possible to Burnside children.


If needed please remember to book childcare to complete your wraparound care.


Our New Spring Half Term timetable of specialist clubs which will be published next week and will include activities such as

  • Running club
  • Photography club,
  • French club,
  • Dance,
  • Mindfulness Wellbeing 


We are excited to be working with Abby Academy, Rainbow Moon and Stephanie Morgan School of Dance. 


More details about booking, cost and year group eligibility will follow next week. 


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