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Staff Updates

Mrs McCoy (Year 1)  is planning to start her maternity leave towards the end of the year. We wish her and her family the very best as they prepare for the arrival of baby number 2.

We currently have an advertisement on North East Jobs Northumberland to cover Mrs. McCoy's class until she returns after the birth of her baby. 

When we appoint a candidate we will let the parents in Year 1 know.


Mrs Glenn, lunchtime assistant, is retiring this month. Mrs. Glenn has worked at the school for over 16 years. She will be missed by us all but we wish her a very happy retirement. 


Unfortunately it is increasingly challenging to recruit lunchtime supervisors. We are receiving far fewer applications for our vacancies than ever before. Should you know anyone who would be interested in the role of Lunchtime supervisor please encourage them to get in touch with us 01670 736052 asking to speak to Mrs McMullen.



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