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Summer Reading Project

Northumberland libraries are very excited to announce the theme for this year’s Summer Reading Challenge ‘Ready, Set, Read’.


This year’s challenge is focused on reading, sport and play and aims to keep children’s minds and bodies active over the summer break, empowering young people to forge new connections with others and unleash the power of play, sport and physical activity through reading.


The Summer Reading Challenge is an annual event aimed at 4-11 year olds. Children are encouraged to read six (or more) books of their choice during the summer holidays with collectable incentives and rewards, plus a medal and certificate for every child who completes the Challenge.


Michelle Watson from Cramlington library came into school today to explain the Summer Reading Challenge to children. Please follow the link to read more about this wonderful challenge or visit any of the local libraries.


There are also lots of brilliant events taking place throughout the summer. All events are listed on their website and on the attached leaflet.


Happy Summer Reading everyone!


Miss Turnbull 

(Message from Michelle Watson)
Dear Rebecca,


Thanks for allowing me to visit your assembly this morning.

Children are welcome to attend events in other branches such as Morpeth... please note special Art Workshops, Storytelling with Robin Simpson and author James Campbell at Bedlington Station Library.  


To view all of our events all year round visit:



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