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Summer term assessments, annual reports

During the summer term, children in Years 1, 2, 4 and 6 will be taking part in national tests.

Useful parent guides produced by the DfE can be found here:

Our time table for these national assessments is:

  • wc 8th May, Year 6 assessments (SATS), 
  • wc 15th May and 22nd May Year 2 assessments
  • wc 12th June, Year 1 phonics check
  • wc 5th June, Year 4 multiplication check, 

Outcomes of these assessments will be published to parents alongside the annual report on 19th July and Year 6 SATs results will be shared from from 11th July


Children in Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 will be completing their end of year NFER tests for reading and mathematics in the final half of Summer.

Throughout the term teachers in all year groups will also be assessing your child's writing skills and knowledge.

Teachers in Reception and Nursery continue to work with children daily to find out what they know and remember. 

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