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Thank you for testing

On Friday we sent a letter to Year 5K children from Public Health asking them to take a PCR test. 


Thank you, as clearly many of you took the test and hence this morning we have been updated regarding positive test results.


The school admin team are sending alerts out to classes with positive COVID cases in them. 


The guidance state that if 10% of a class tests positive then AMBER measures should be put into place. We now have 4 classes on Amber, however we have operated with AMBER guidance since returning in September.


Amber suggests the following which you are aware we have done since September

  • Children will be taught in class bubbles
  • Children will clean their hands on entry and regularly during the school day
  • Lunch will continue to be eaten in class bubbles either in the hall or in classrooms
  • Whole school assemblies will not take place
  • Whole school singing will not take place
  • Maintain appropriate cleaning and ventilation
  • staff will continue to test twice a week
  • send information when a case is reported to us
  • Conduct enhanced deep cleaning in classes with higher numbers of positive cases
  • Conduct PE lessons outside when possible
  • Moving all meetings/consultations to online platforms whenever possible 
  • Reverting to sharing some of our Christmas celebrations with you online


Please assist us by

  • Observing social distancing guidelines when dropping off and collecting your child.
  • Wearing a face covering when on the school site.
  • Being watchful for changes in your child's health and testing where necessary.
  • Not sending your child into school if they have any of the COVID symptoms.


I completely understand that the measures we are taking are out of sync with the national guidance but I am attempting to do everything possible to ensure the children's education is as undisrupted as possible. 

I am in regular contact with Public Health and should they want me to send specific letters to particular year groups, I will do so immediately. 

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