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The Northumberland Children and Young People's Health and Wellbeing Survey 2022

Pupils Survey 2022

Our Year 6 pupils recently took part in a Northumberland Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Survey.

Here are the results and action we plan to take



No major concerns


Fruit and Veg

It looks like our boys might need some encouragement


We will be looking at ways to promote fruit and veg consumption for all pupils and will investigate the introduction of an allotment group for boys and work with them to grow fruit and veg



Our girls seem to be more often taking part in some activities


We are looking at how we can utilise our field in the summer months to encourage all pupils to have the opportunity to practise sporting skills


Active Travel

We are doing really well with cycling to school.


Life during COVID

The positive was children found ways to keep in touch. The negative is 1/8 of our children felt less safe at home than at school.



Children enjoyed doing things they normally wouldn’t (sleeping, playing games etc) and interestingly a significant minority also enjoyed doing school work at home/online.


Smoking and Vaping 

None of the pupils said they have smoked.  A few have tried vaping


We will address vaping in our lessons  and will run a poster competition where the children design a poster to highlight the negative health effects of smoking / vaping.



 1/4 said that their teachers had talked to them about drugs


The staff will repeat lessons to ensure those who missed the lesson or message receive it.


Staying Safe On Line

Half said they had seen something that upsets them online and more than Northumberland average use the internet for communication. Few seem to use it for school work.


We will continue to support parents and plan to hold a clinic where devices can be brought into school and support given in adding parental controls.


Screen time  

Results were typical so no worries about this.



Most children feel the school takes bullying seriously.


We will continue to take bullying seriously so all children feel safe


Emotional Health and Wellbeing Support

reassuringly most children know where to get help if they are sad, worried, upset or anxious


Mrs Akram will continue to host drop in welfare sessions.


Having fun

only a couple of children haven’t had fun with family or friends for at least a month







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