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There are No Outsiders here- Teaching your children about inclusion and diversity.

Preparing children for life in modern Britain

At our school there are no outsiders. We are all different and we know that this is something that should be celebrated! 


The 'No Outsiders' programme educates children about diversity within our communities and addresses issues such as sexism, ageism, race and different types of families.


It is taught to each year group through the use of age-appropriate books. Through these beautiful pictures books, the children will explore the concepts of equality, diversity, acceptance of differences and of the right of someone to have an opinion different to their own.  


More information


How does No Outsiders fit into the curriculum?

The No Outsiders lessons fit alongside many of the things we already teach in school. They align with our core values Be Safe, Be Smart, Be Kind.

They will also form a part of our relationships lessons, which are part of our RSHE lessons and our Monday assemblies.


When will these lesson and assemblies start?

We will start with our first book after the February half-term break.


Can I see the books before the lessons start?

Yes! We will soon provide an overview of the books which will be used in each year group. 

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