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World Book Day Fundraising and Event winners

Scholastic Book Fair

Sales total- £1548.43
Commission earned to spend on books for school- £929.06
This is wonderful, thank you everyone!
Charity Book Sale
We raised £385.17 at our second hand book sale on Thursday. Money raised will go to charity Daft as a Brush. Well done and thank you!
Story Box Entry Winners
We were amazed by all the wonderful, creative story box entries we received on Friday. You are all a very talented bunch, which made choosing winners very difficult. Well done to everyone who took part!
Sophia  with The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Harriet with The Gingerbread Man
James with Supertato
Joshua with Greg the Sausage Roll
Freya  with Elmer
Summer with Little Red Riding Hood
Maddison with Gringotts Bank
Drew with 'a book lovers bedroom'

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