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World Book Day Thursday 3rd March

On Thursday 3rd March, we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of World Book Day – with the message for all children ‘you are a reader‘! It will be filled with lots of exciting, celebratory ways to promote reading for pleasure.

Children are invited to dress up as their favourite story character for the day. This is optional and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Home made costumes are the best!

If you have any unwanted costumes that you may have bought previously, we will accept any donations into the school office to support those who may need them. 


World Book Day Shoe Box Competition

We are running a Story Scene Shoe Box Competition. Design your own story scene from one of your favourite books, in a shoe box. Entries for the competition are to be brought into school on Friday 4th March. We look forward to seeing your wonderful, imaginative creations.  Winner from each year group to receive a book voucher.

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